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C R N   N A V I G A T O R

Links, links and more links...!


The CRN Navigator provides links to valuable resources around the world. These international resources will focus on child and youth education and development from an interdisciplinary perspective.

CRN has developed a new search engine tailored to searches
for infomation regarding education and schools in Japan.
Some of the results you obitain through this search
may be in Japanese only. Therefore, if you have
a ducument encoder. It may be helpful to switch to
Japanese at this point. For more specific search,
please see options.

Current Data Base: 180,000 URLs

NOTE: Child Research Net makes its best effort to keep these links academic. However, external sites may be periodically contain information not endorsed by CRN. Thank you for your understanding.


If there are additional links that
you use regulaly or have found helpful,
please let CRN know.
We appreciate your input in helping to build CRN Navigator
into a more valuable resource.
Please send your mail to:info@crn.or.jp